Welcome to Plant Growth architecture and production online learning resource help.
A typical course page shows three working zones:
- Function and navigation zones, defined on the top and the bottom of the screen.
- A Course map zone, on the left
- The course content zone, the largest one, centered right

Header and foot fields (function and navigation), course map and course content fields
Working areas.
This module is composed by a set of three working areas, the presentation area, the course are,
and the resource area.
At any course page, access to one working area can be achieved from the top right side of the screen.

Access to working areas
Presentation area
The presentation working area specifies the course characteristics, its objectives, goals,
and contents.
This area is your starting point.
Course area
You accede to the course contents from this point.
Courses are split in chapters, sections, contains illustrations,
definitions, examples, references, quiz or exercises.
Resource area
The resource area gives access to:
- the Glossary: the list of definitions available in the course.
- the Bibliography: the list of biographical references used in the course.
- the Webography: a list of web links.
Course navigation
Navigation inside a specific course can be operated according three modalities:
using the course map tree, using the directory train, or using previous/next arrows.
The Course map tree
On the left side, the course tree map presents the course structure and
allows navigating from one page to another.
Clicking on Chapters, Sections and subsections opens their contents.
A black middle dot ( · ) precedes those entities.
Indeed, clicking on a leaf item, gives access to the corresponding course
page in the course content zone.
The Directory train
In the header, on the bottom left side, the course structure hierarchy appears,
and gives access to the course hierarchy.

Access to working areas
Simple navigation
At any stage, the foot bar gives a simple access to the previous and the next page,
using respectively left and right arrows.

The foot bar.
On left: access to functions
middle arrows: previous and next page
Icons in the right side of the foot bar gives access to specific functions (see picture above).
Opens a new window, specifying the list of authors with their respective institutions.
Site Map.
Opens a new window with then site plan. Select and click on the item you want to access to.
Opens a new window with this help page.
Allows you to print the current course page, including definitions and references.
Exercises and quiz.
The course proposes two kinds of activities: simple exercises and quiz.
Exercises are usually following course sub-sections.
An exercise asks for boxes checks or single numerical value input, within a simple form.
The form must be submitted (click on a "Validate" button to be evaluated.
As a return, the system opens a simple pop up windows with a message (correct / incorrect).
On most exercises, access to the answer or explanations are given by another button labelled "??".
Clicking on it opens a new window with the answer and/or explanations.
Quiz consists usually in a set of questions.
Some questions are randomly chosen within a set.
Different questions may thus appear when replaying the same quiz.
Quiz are not limited in time, but must be fully answered (skipped pages are played back,
until completion).
At end, you can review the quiz in order to see your selections and the correct answers.