Preliminary Course
See (print) full section in pdf
Supplementary resources
Eco-physiology video courses (from Ep Heuvelink, wmv format, in English)
Full slide spport set (pdf) : Simulation_DMprod_full_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Introduction
Slides (pdf) : 1a_Simulation_DMprod_Intro_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Models
Slides (pdf) : 1b_Simulation_DMprod_About_models_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Light
Slides (pdf) : 3a_Simulation_DMprod_Light_interception_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Photosynthesis
Slides (pdf) : 3b_Simulation_DMprod_Photosynthesis_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Respiration
Slides (pdf) : 4a_Simulation_DMprod_Respiration_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Dry Matter production
Slides (pdf) : 4b_Simulation_DMprod_DM-production_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Models-data
Slides (pdf) : 4c_Simulation_DMprod_Models_exp-data_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Conclusion
Slides (pdf) : 4d_Simulation_DMprod_Concluding_remarks_2pp.pdf
Video (wmv) : Salinity 1
Video (wmv) : Salinity 2
Slides (pdf) : 6b_Simulation_DMprod_Salinity_stress_example_2pp.pdf
Guelph Plant University (Canada) ( )
Crop physiology : (
Light Interception Lecture : ./Light_Interception_Lecture.pdf )
Recommended reading
Heuvelink E. 1996. Dry matter partitioning in tomato: validation of a dynamic simulation model. Annals of Botany - London 77, pp. 71-80 (access to pdf)
Heuvelink E. 1999. Evaluation of a dynamic simulation model for tomato crop growth and development. Annals of Botany, 83 (4), pp. 413-422
Heuvelink E., Marcelis L., Bakker M., Van der Ploeg A. 2007. Use of crop growth models to evaluate physiological traits in genotypes of horticultural crops. In Scale and Complexity in Plant Systems Research: Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, eds Spiertz JHJ, Struik PC, van Laar HH (Springer, Heidelberg), pp 223-233 (access to pdf)
Jeuffroy M.-H., Ney B. 1997. Crop physiology and productivity, Field Crops Research, Volume 53, Issues 1-3, July 1997, pp. 3-16, ISSN 0378-4290. (access to paper and pdf)
Johnson I. 2010. PlantMod: exploring the physiology of plant canopies. (pdf) (access to document and pdf)
Wery J. and Lecoeur J. 2000. Learning crop physiology from the development of a crop simulation model. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 29, pp. 1-7.
Web site:
University of Queensland (AUS)
Plants in Action - Crop growth analysis