GreenLab Course
Equation interpretation
Understanding equation terms
Q(n) = | E(n) . Sp | ( | 1 - exp ( - | k | Σi = 1 ; Tb Σj = 1 ; i Nb (i) φb(j) | Q ( n - i + j - 1 ) | ) ) | |
r | e . Sp | D (n - i + j) |
Terms related to environmental conditions
E(n): the aggregate variable standing for the environmental resource conditions at cycle n,
typically LUE and PAR
r represents the water resource, proportional to the Water Use Efficiency inverse (WUE-1)
Terms related to development (plant architecture)
Nb(i) : the number of blades appeared at cycle n
Note that D(n), the plant demand at cycle n, involves the number of organs No in expansion in cycle n
Terms related to organ competition (biomass allocation)
φb(j) : the blade sink at age j
Note that:
* D(n), the plant demand at cycle n, involves the sink function of all organs No in expansion in cycle n
* Q(n) is the fresh biomass produced at cycle n, and more precisely the Supply to Demand ratio Q(n-1) / D(n) defines the potential biomass increment of each organ.
Terms specific to the plant (or plant species)
Sp is the projection area
k : the Beer law extinction coefficient
e : blade thickness