Preliminary Course.
Plant & Crop Models.
A Crop Model example
The following diagram presents the TOMSIM crop simulator main frame, developed by HPC at Wageningen University for a tomato crop (Heuvelink, 1996, 1999).
In this model, the flowchart involves four main computational steps and the LAI is updated from the leaf biomass compartment pool at each growth cycle.

TOMSIM tomato crop simulator workflow (Chart: E. Heuvelink, WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY)
Four organ compartments are defined, including the root system.
At each growth cycle, the biomass allocated to leaves allows the LAI update for the next cycle.
Heuvelink E. 1996. Dry matter partitioning in tomato: validation of a dynamic simulation model. Annals of Botany - London 77, pp. 71-80 (access to pdf)
Heuvelink E. 1999. Evaluation of a dynamic simulation model for tomato crop growth and development. Annals of Botany, 83 (4), pp. 413-422