GreenLab Course
Structure construction modes
Reminders: The GreenLab model structural principles are:
- structure construction results for a discrete growth process simulating the construction of a leafy axis by phytomers
- in the structure simulation, topological aspects (the branching scheme) are separated from the geometrical aspects
- axis typology is defined from the botanical notion of physiological age, and not from branching order
- the construction can be stochastic
- the structure topology and geometry are not required to be explicit: the number of organs produced per growth cycle and their status are the only requirement of the model when 3D representation is not necessary.
Implicit and explicit structures
In the GreenLab model,structure construction can be
- fully implicit:
- without geometrical construction
without topological construction
the description is limited to the definition of the number of organs per cohort
- topological only
- without geometrical information
simple flat representation is possible
the construction defines what is branched to what, building a graph.
- fully explicit
- a geometrical construction
allowing 3D representations
the construction is built on the list mode, applying organ dimensions to the structural components, and introducing angles at branching.

From structural simulation to 3D representations (Images M. Jaeger, CIRAD)
From left to right:
- Four axis representations (internode cohorts) at the final growth cycle.
The structure construction showing its topology (geometry is flat)
The fully explicit structure with organ sizes
The fully explicit structure with organ sizes, branching angles and deviations
The fully explicit structure with organ sizes, branching angles, deviations and phylotaxy (3D).