Preliminary Course
Applied Mathematics
Beta density functions
The beta density function
The beta density function has some advantages, as described by Yin (2003)
- at initial time t = 0, its value is zero (as for the Weibull function)
- the values of the final growth rate is null, which means that the expansion duration is finite.
- it has a high flexibility and can describe asymmetric growth trajectories (as Richards law)
- it has stable parameters for statistical estimation (similar to Gompertz or logistic functions)
Different parameterizations of the beta density function can be found.
In this course, we opt for the following one that depends only on three parameters a, b and Te,
and we use a discretized form:

and dw/dt(t) = 0 elsewhere.
N is a multiplicative factor introduced to normalize the function so that its maximum is equal to 1:

The following figures represent different shapes of beta density function, for several values of parameters a and b, and the shape of the integrated function (the 'growth function').
Note how asymmetrical shapes can be obtained when a ≠ b.

Beta density functions and their respective integrated functions