Tools (software)
Fitting Plant structure
Crown analysis
Crown analysis equations
In this implementation all main axis phytomers are supposed to branch, and branches are alive (no mortality occurs).
On a significant number N of crowns, the phytomer distribution (on branches) at rank K from the tip is supposed to be known, as well as the distribution at rank K+L. XK (respectively VK) stand for the expected value number (respectively the variance) of phytomers on branch axis at rank K. vK stands for the expectation of the couple (K,L) variances (intra-crown variance).
Those statistical values lead to identify numerical solutions for the development parameters w, b1 and b2 values at rank K.

In practice, small values for L are better in order to minimize variances.
Chose L = 0 for plants showing multiple axillaries per nodes (such as Coffea), and L = 1 for plants bearing a single axillary per node (such as Cotton tree).